Do you go through your day tired? Do you need energy drinks just to make it? If so, you may not be getting enough “good” sleep.
We say “good” sleep because there is a difference between enough sleep and good sleep. You can get a lot of low quality sleep and still feel tired.
So, if you follow these 3 tips, you should be well on your way to getting better sleep and having more energy.
First, sleep in a cold room. Many studies have been conducted and the common results are that sleeping in a room that is between 60°F and 67°F (15.5°C and 19.4°C) is the ideal sleeping temperature.
When you go to sleep, your body’s temperature drops slightly before you get into a good sleep. So, if the room can help cool your body down quicker, you will fall asleep faster and have more restorative sleep.
Second, do not do anything strenuous before bed. Some people like to exercise at night. But, doing so will elevate your heart rate, increase your body’s temperature and place your body in a more heightened state.
Remember what we just said about your body temperature and sleep? Exercise or work right before bed causes the body to take longer to cool off which means it takes longer to get into a state for better sleep.
Third, try to sleep in increments that equal 90 minutes. Here is what we mean. There are 5 stages to sleep.
- Light
- Onset
- Deep
- Restorative
- REM (rapid eye movement)
It commonly takes about 45 minutes to go from stage 1 to stage 5. Then the cycle reverses and goes from stage 5 back to stage 1.
If you wake up while going from stage 1 to stage 5, many times you will stay sleepy or groggy for much of the day. If you wake up during the cycle going from stage 5 to stage 1, you are less likely to be sleepy all day.
The ideal or optimal time to wake up is at stage 1. Since it takes 90 minutes to go from stage 1 to stage 5 and back, that is why 90 minute increment sleeping is commonly the best choice.
Most adult males need between 6 to 9 hours of sleep. 6 hours falls in the 90 minute increment cycle (4 cycles of 90 minutes). The next would be 7.5 hours (5 cycles of 90 minutes) followed by 9 hours (6 cycles of 90 minutes).
Everyone is different. So experimentation to find your ideal sleep quantity is commonly needed. Most have to try a certain time block for a week to determine how much sleep they need.
There you have it. Top 3 tips for better sleep. In our EVOLUTION program we have an entire module dedicated to it. Because when you sleep your body is repairing, consolidating memories and so much more. Good sleep is vital to a healthy life. Make sure you prioritize it.
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