Once upon a time the world was male dominated. And, in many parts of the world, it still is. Even in a country like the USA, there have been studies shown that women are paid less for the same effort giving support to inequality.
So why are we covering this topic on a page designed for the fitness of men over 40?
Because this ties into mental health, directly.
What is common, in the world, is for an inequality or injustice to exist. It will be the cultural norm and defended as such.
Over time, viewpoints shift and the inequality or injustice is attempted to be corrected. When this happens, many times there is an overcorrection. This is what we mean.
Because the world has been male dominated, when a culture attempts to correct this in exchange for equality, they inevitably cause a reverse (an inequality for men).
We have heard the arguments. Things like “serves the men right” and “let them see what it is like.”
Here is the problem with that. Many men today never created or even supported that kind of behavior. Yet, they are punished for it. And the result is the emasculation of men.
Men do not want to stand up for themselves to they become punching bags and pushovers. They are afraid to be seen as standing in the way of progress.
And, believe it or not, men from all over the world endure this and it creates stress, which then results in dramatic increases in acid and can cause a whole host of problems (read this article on stress > https://www.facebook.com/MensFitnessAfter40/posts/963606777521304)
During this time where the world continues to try and rectify past wrongs and balance the scales of inequality, it is important for you not to be part of yet another problem of inequality.
You can still be a responsible, compassionate, loving, caring, strong and respectful gentleman while helping the scales of inequality balance. You do not have to be a pushover. You do not have to be a punching bag.
I am here to tell you guys, you are teaching your sons, daughters, friends and family to expect men to be pushovers. They are all observing you and your behavior.
And it is better to be a strong representative of a good man than an emasculated representative of a weak man.
Remember guys, Total Fitness is more than going to the gym. It is whole body. It is the whole man.
Image credit by Kaysha from Pexels