Each week (on Thursday), we plan on putting out a new post with a tidbit of helpful info or some kind of insight.

This week I will let you in on a version of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) called the Tabata Method. It was named after Izumi Tabata, a Japanese Sports Scientist.

He did tests and determined that you could work out for just 4 minutes and get a greater cardio workout with better aerobic results than jogging or biking for an hour.

A test was conducted at a college where students worked out 5 days a week for 6 weeks. The first group did a short warmup and then did the Tabata Method on a stationary bike for just 4 minutes.

The second group road a stationary bike at a moderate pace for 60 minutes, 5 days a week for 6 weeks.

The Tabata Group showed a 14% increase in their aerobic fitness whereas the second group showed a 10% increase.

Additionally, the first group saw a 28% increase in their anaerobic capacity (how long they can perform at their top level). The second group saw no increase at all.

56 less minutes, a 4% better aerobic gain and a 28% anaerobic gain. Less time and better results sounds like a winning combination to us.

How do you do it?

On a stationary bike you warm up for a few minutes at a slow pace. Then, you explode with intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of no peddling. You repeat this for 8 total cycles which equals 4 minutes. That’s it!

Wondering how it works?

You burn glycogen (stored glucose) quickly doing the intervals. When burning glycogen, it causes your body to also burn your stored fat for energy as well. This is because your body has to quickly replace energy between intervals.

Also, the Tabata Method stimulates a response in both the aerobic and anaerobic systems. It maximally fatigues both the aerobic and anaerobic systems.

So, it combines energy burn and replacement with an enhanced need to consume oxygen and maxes out the anaerobic system at the same time.

Dr. Tabata did many tests and determined the frequency, duration and intensity, combined together were key.

We personally alternate this into our own exercises and have found great success with it via stationary biking and jump roping. If you try this out, please come back and let us know your results.

Simple Concepts. Powerful Results.
Specifically Designed For Guys Over 40.