You have read this before. But, for some reason many people still don’t follow the advice.

That is because they either:

  1. Do not know the truth
  2. Do not believe the truth
  3. They are too confused by all the conflicting info
  4. They lack will power

We have a good news – bad news – good news scenario for you.

The first good news is that we can share the truth with you and we can make it simple to understand what to do.

The bad news is that we cannot make you believe us or engage your will power to take action.

The final good news is that you actually have the power within you to fix the bad news above.

There are a ton of diets out there. They all tell you to eat a very specific way or to count everything. We call that having to eat with intellect. We, on the other hand, eat because of instinct over intellect.

What does that mean? Here is part of that simple explanation we promised. We eat when hungry and don’t eat when we are not. NO math involved.

And, on top of that, you do NOT have to starve yourself, if you eat the right things that your body wants to use for fuel and maintenance.

We have had many people who took our EVOLUTION Program find success with this. We will make this as simple as possible for you.

Eat meat, vegetables and fruits. Done.

Okay… a little more on what kind of meat, fruits and veggies. Only eat grass finished beef, wild caught seafood / fish, free range chicken and non-antibiotic pork.

All fruits and veggies should be organic and non-gmo. Not a good idea to consume high sugar fruits before bed (like bananas).

Do not eat legumes (those are beans) as your body is not designed to process them. Stay away from white potatoes (did you know their stem and leaves are actually poisonous with Solanine?).

Do not consume grains (corn, rice, wheat) as it causes inflammation.

And stay away from sugar altogether. Do you know what rust does to metal? Sugar, which is in almost everything, will RUST you from the inside out. Substitute sugar alcohols for sugar instead.

You do that and you can typically eat as many fruits, veggies and meats as you want.

Now, we support exercising (4 hours a week), good sleep and many more good habits. However, ALL of that builds on top of a good foundation and that good foundation is formed with a solid diet of food that your body likes and that is good for you.
Simple Concepts. Powerful Results.
Specifically Designed For Guys Over 40.