People use excuses in all areas of their lives. And one big area is their health.
Our bodies are amazing machines. We can treat them poorly and they will still work. We can ignore the maintenance needed and somehow they still work.
It is because our bodies are so amazing that so many people make excuses and put off taking care of themselves.
One of the top excuses > I am too busy. To which I say “bullshit!” Nobody is too busy. It is all about what you prioritize.
Not getting up and going to the gym in the morning? You are prioritizing sleep.
Not going to bed early enough to get good sleep so you can wake up and go to the gym? You are prioritizing watching TV or browsing the internet.
Not eating right? You are prioritizing quick or cheap substances that are not really food…or, at least, not good for you food.
Not taking time to meditate? I could go on and on and on because there is always something that takes the priority.
Don’t get me wrong. It is great to have priorities. I have my own set of priorities and I live by them according to what I truly believe is important.
And I do not make excuses. If I do not get up and go to the gym, I own the fact that I might have gone to sleep late and I am prioritizing sleep.
Now, if I do that enough times in a row, then no matter what I tell myself, my actions show that I am prioritizing staying up late over going to the gym in the morning. That is what my behavior demonstrates. Make sense?
If you do not make taking care of your mental & physical health, then at some point your mind & your body will not take care of you. Plain & simple.
So stop making excuses. Stop prioritizing things that are detrimental to your mental and physical wellbeing over things that are good & healthy for you.
Remember…no one is too busy. It is all about setting your priorities & sticking to them.