Sure, many people know that it is linked to diabetes. But, did you know that if you consume sugar within 2 hours of working out, somatostatin will be released?
What is somatostatin? What it is is not as relevant as what happens. What you need to know specifically is that somatostatin decreases production of natural HGH (human growth hormone).
Decrease of that means less fat burning, muscle building and overall recovery from the exercise.
Simple sugars spike insulin which leads to more body fat storage. And that contributes to the lessening of the release of natural HGH. Again, that lowers how productive your exercise and results will be.
On top of all of this, sugar acts on your body like rust does to metal. So, when you consume sugar, just think of it RUSTING your body.
Here is something that may surprise you. Start reading the labels of the food you are eating. Sugar is in so many things! I was actually surprised by some of them.
I have seen sugar in all natural fruit juice! Why?!?! It is sweet enough. They put sugar in ketchup, salsa, meats and even in nut and berry mixes. Sugar is in so many foods that you begin to be surprised when it is not in something.
It may be hard to find food in the grocery store without sugar, but it does exist. However, you need to be careful. We do not endorse most “sugar free” options because they contain a very UNHEALTHY alternative like Aspartame (which is linked to over 70 diseases).
But, more and more food companies are waking up and replacing sugar with sugar alcohol. You see, sugar alcohol gives the sweet taste of table sugar. But, it is not absorbed into the blood stream. It is digested and excreted.
Honestly, the only side effect we have noticed is that some sugar alcohols can upset your stomach while you become accustomed to them. Now, we are not allergic to sugar alcohol. And anytime you are allergic to something, obviously it is going to negatively affect you.
But, we have never run into anyone that was actually allergic to sugar alcohol. Our favorite sugar alcohol is called Monk Fruit Sweetener, by #Lakanto followed by a sugar alcohol sweetener produced by a brand called #Swerve.
There are many options out there from brand names you may know like #SteviaInTheRaw, #Truvia, #Xylosweet, #NOWFoods, #BulkSupplements and many more.
Sugar alcohol comes in a few different classifications or varieties, such as:
> Xylitol
> Maltitol
> Erythritol
> Mannitol
> Isomalt
> Sorbitol
> Lactitol
Our preferred sugar alcohol, because it seems to cook well and does not upset our stomach, is Erythritol.
So, the next time you are out hunting for a sweet treat or you need some baking supplies, pause and think about how table sugar makes your body “rust” and choose a sugar alcohol instead. Your body will thank you for it in the long run.
If you have any questions about brands we use that contain sugar alcohol instead of table or other harmful sugars, put it in the comments below and we will be happy to answer them.
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