You see, when we were primitive, we needed to determine if we could beat the other man in a challenge. The strongest, fastest and most experienced was able to lead the tribe. The leader of the tribe commonly got his choice of mates and they got to eat first when the tribe gathered or hunted food.
Also, being able to size others up allowed us to determine if we could possibly be in danger, threatened or have our resources taken by another member of the tribe we were in or even another tribe.
See…it is built in for us to compare. However, in most countries today, the situation is not as stressful as it was then. But we still look at others in the gym and size them up. However, now it is not for survival. Now we attach emotion to it and it is called judgement which leads to an ego.
Listen guys…it is time to check that ego at the door. I know, from personal experience, that it feels good to have bigger muscles than others. Or to see someone with bigger muscles than you but you can lift more than them. But, you may not know the whole story.
What is more impressive? To see someone curl a 20lb (9kg), 40lb (18kg) or 80lb (36kg) dumbbell? Most would say 80lb. Seeing a guy curling an 80lb dumbbell is very impressive. But what if they only curled it 2 times but curled the 20lb dumbbell 50 times. Now which is more impressive?
The exercise routines that guys do are as varied as the guys themselves. Some may be doing pyramids, reverse pyramids, overloads, isometrics, daily undulating periodization or even common 3 sets of 8 or 10 reps. They have different tempos, set counts, rep counts and end results that they are trying to achieve.
So, again, check your ego at the door. If you go to the gym at all, I applaud you. You are doing more than the other 90% of guys who sit on the couch, see others in great shape on TV and “WISH” that they were healthy and fit. Let me tell you guys…”Wishing” is not a strategy.
Guys…your biggest competitor is you. When you go home and look in the mirror, who is looking back at you? If you eat poorly, who does that affect? If you do not go to the gym, who does that affect? If you do not get enough sleep, who does that affect? The answer is all the same….you. It affects you.
You are in competition with yourself. Not the other guys at the gym. Most guys who have been going to the gym for any length of time does not think he is competing against you. So, take the emotion out of it. Remove the judgement. And leave the ego at the door.
Simple Concepts. Powerful Results.
Specifically Designed For Guys Over 40.